Saturday, December 10, 2011

Are you a very forgetful person?

Many of us suffer from forgetfulness and being easily distracted, but have you ever wonder what could be the reason for your forgetfulness?
Here is a list of possibilities that hopefully will help you to identify the reason for your forgetfulness.
1. Your numbers are low. Fuzzy mindedness could signal a vitamin or hormone deficiency, especially if you're also feeling unusually tired. Schedule an appointment for a physical with a doctor who'll take time with you. Make a list of any other health changes you've noticed that could help pinpoint the source of your problems you want a comprehensive medical exam, including blood tests.

2. Your hormones have gone haywire. If you're nearing the end of your baby-making years, your inability to think clearly may signal the start of perimenopause -- that run-up to menopause when menstrual cycles become irregular and estrogen drops.

3. You've changed your meds.
Anti-depressants can affect mood and concentration when you go on or off them. Antihistamines, sedatives, and anti-anxiety medications can cause lingering drowsiness, and antidepressants, beta blockers, and other medicines can cloud your mind.

4. You're quitting smoking.
Yaaay! Two things to remember when you're tempted to cheat:
1.       The more and longer you smoke, the more gray matter you lose. That's proven. The sooner you quit, the more you maintain.
2.       Yes, you'll have trouble concentrating as you go through nicotine withdrawal. It's a common complaint
5. Your diet has deteriorated. Bad eating habits increase your risks of obesity, hypertension, high cholesterol and related ills that can impair cognitive function, and being overweight or obese makes it harder to stay active, which is essential for brain health.

6. You think busy means fit. You may be incredibly busy, but if you're stuck at a desk or behind the wheel of a car most of the day, you won't be engaged in the kind of physical activity your mind needs. Shoot for 30 minutes of cardiovascular activity three to five times a week.
7. You have anxiety overload. You’re trying to get 200 things done in one day! Of course your going to forget something since your mind is so busy.

8. It's just the way you're wired.
If a new job or relationship is making your problems with focus, organization, time-management and follow-through newly apparent to others, but the truth is they're not at all new to you -- you've been struggling with them all your life -- you could have undiagnosed Adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). You don't have to be hyper to be a candidate. Symptoms can take many forms, including impatience, distractibility, forgetfulness, impulsiveness, and having trouble finishing tasks.

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