Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Things to remember from October,2011

October has been a month of surprises. On one hand Steve Jobs, a master mind, died on October 5th because of a cancer he had on his pancreas. Jobs was the co-founder of one of the most stable and self growing companies in America today. On the other hand, on October 20th, fifteen days later Muammar Gaddafi was killed. Gaddafi was Libya’s head of state until a civil war overthrow his government and he was capture and killed.

You may be asking right now, what does all of this has to do with dentistry? Well Steve Jobs and Gaddafi are dead now; it is now impossible to think what else they could have done if they were alive. But what about you? You’re still alive, right? What is it that you have not done, that you can start doing today when you still have time? What about taking care of your teeth and having a healthy smile? If that is one of the things you will like to do, please come to one of our offices and let us help you out with what we know how to do best, which is taking care of your teeth.

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