Text messaging, twittering, and emailing have become the prominent method of communication.
In the past, getting in contact with a person involved writing a letter in a formal format or calling them on the phone. Now, communication with an individual can be as simple as an acronym to get straight to the point. Text messaging and postings on Facebook are the most common places to see acronyms such as: ttyl (talk to you later), lol (laugh out loud), tmi (too much information), and many more. Sometimes single letters can be equivalent to an entire word! These acronyms are meant to convey a short straightforward message or display an action which would otherwise be difficult to depict through text.
Are we becoming more antisocial? Or are we becoming too involved with our gadgets and less involved with our peers?
People are constantly living through a virtual world where they pay more attention to their electronic devices rather than trying to have interpersonal communication with one another. Social media is in fact changing how we communicate but not in such a manner in which it ruins our relationships.
The changing of communication methods has not affected how we communicate in a negative manner just in a different way. Conversations are becoming more straightforward and by using less words. Sometimes statements as those seen on Twitter can impact the people reading them just as a book or article would do. Creativity and simplicity are becoming the main priority of getting a message exposed. The most factors to maintaining good communication is to remember to use social networking etiquette and not pay more attention to your phone than the person in front of you.
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