Saturday, February 4, 2012

Are Your Teeth In You Wallet?

Many of you may not remember about the incident that happened to a Wal-Mart’s costumer in March of 2009, when after buying a wallet he found ten teeth in one of the compartments of the wallet. He reported the case to the police and the police started investigating this unusual case.
After reading this story I was very amazed at the idea of “someone” placing teeth in a wallet. But then I started thinking of how many people have their teeth in their wallets rather than in their mouths. In other words, many people now spend thousands of dollars on dental treatments but not because of a necessary dental hygiene but rather because they have a severe infection cause by the careless attitude they had towards their teeth in the past.
How many people have their teeth in the wrong place?
As a dentist I see many patients who come to us worried because they have a growing pain that is almost unbearable. The pain that they are feeling is the cause from not taking care of their teeth. For patients like this, their teeth were not ever in their mind, and now that an infection is causing pain they have now remember about their teeth, and their teeth are now eating all the money in their wallet.
Here at 7 Day Dental we encourage people to take good care of their teeth now, and not pay thousands of dollars later. Come visit us any time of the year, since we are open 365 days of the year. For more information about 7 Day Dental and other articles “like” us on facebook on any of the following pages:

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