Saturday, February 11, 2012

Is sugar worse than tobacco?

At first this question may seem a bit weird and with no real sense of reality, but what if I start by telling you that the excess of sugar consumption is contributing to 35 million deaths worldwide each year.

Did I get your attention now?
I hope I did because as you may already figure it out theses deaths came from diseases like diabetes, heart disease and cancer.

The problem is that we tend to look at sugar as innocent calories, but sadly the truth is that is a toxic. Let me explain to you why I consider it a toxic base on the following reasons:
1.      It ups blood pressure
2.      Damages the liver
3.      Impacts hormones
4.      Damages your teeth severely  
Altogether the average American takes in about 22 teaspoons of added sugar each day, the equivalent of 35 two-pound boxes a year. According to the American Heart Association the target should be no more than 6 level teaspoons a day for women or 9 teaspoons for men.

So, the question that we should be asking our selves is, “should we establish regulations that enforce regulations on the consumption of sugar just as much as we regulate alcohol and cigarettes?”
That is the question that each of us needs to meditate and act upon before this silent toxic keeps on killing people.

For more information about the dangerous consequences of sugar please visit us on any of the following links:

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