Saturday, February 11, 2012

Is sugar worse than tobacco?

At first this question may seem a bit weird and with no real sense of reality, but what if I start by telling you that the excess of sugar consumption is contributing to 35 million deaths worldwide each year.

Did I get your attention now?
I hope I did because as you may already figure it out theses deaths came from diseases like diabetes, heart disease and cancer.

The problem is that we tend to look at sugar as innocent calories, but sadly the truth is that is a toxic. Let me explain to you why I consider it a toxic base on the following reasons:
1.      It ups blood pressure
2.      Damages the liver
3.      Impacts hormones
4.      Damages your teeth severely  
Altogether the average American takes in about 22 teaspoons of added sugar each day, the equivalent of 35 two-pound boxes a year. According to the American Heart Association the target should be no more than 6 level teaspoons a day for women or 9 teaspoons for men.

So, the question that we should be asking our selves is, “should we establish regulations that enforce regulations on the consumption of sugar just as much as we regulate alcohol and cigarettes?”
That is the question that each of us needs to meditate and act upon before this silent toxic keeps on killing people.

For more information about the dangerous consequences of sugar please visit us on any of the following links:

The Cure for Snoring is now at 7 Day Dental

Have you been suffering form mysterious headaches? Are you tired in the middle of the day for no reason at all? Are your loved ones complaining that you’re especially irritable or moody?

Amazingly, the root of all these problems may just be your snoring. And unfortunately, snoring may be the sign of a whole range of other more serious health problems.

Snoring, besides being bothersome to your bedmate, is a common symptom of obstructive sleep apnea. This condition, also known as OSA actually causes you to stop breathing while you sleep; and often hundreds, if not thousands of times per night.

This halt in breathing occurs when your tongued, throat and jaw muscles relax, which then cause your airway to be blocked. When breathing stops, the body reacts with a momentary spike in blood pressure. Because these jagged halts in breathing can occur hundreds of times nightly, and the effects are multiplied and truly dangerous.

As a result, OSA has been proven to cause a range of serious health problems, including:
  • Heart attacks
  • Hypertension
  • Heart disease and plaque buildup
  • Strokes
  • Depression
  • Diabetes

Unfortunately, diagnosis and treatment for OSA is often overly expensive and sometimes ineffective as well. Usually they are conducted by licensed sleep centers that involve an overnight stay, which is obviously very time-consuming.

Mouthpieces are a common treatment for snoring as well. However, some of these mouthpieces jam the jaw shut, which can feel uncomfortable, and cut into sleep. Additionally, many of these mouthpieces require that you boil them so that the material softens to better fit your mouth, which of course is “a lot of hassle for too little gain.”

For many people snoring is a serious health issue and can have grave implications including chronic fatigue, high blood pressure, weight gain, heart failure and stroke.

The good news is that there is help, recent studies have shown that wearing a jaw supporter during sleep time can effectively treat snoring and sleep apnea. Also in Japan, the Kochi Hospital conducted a clinical trial that demonstrated how a chinstrap alone improved obstructive sleep apnea and snoring.

7 Day Dental

Here at 7 Day Dental we are always here to help you, we are open 365 days of the year so that we can accomodate even the most ramdom emergency. If you are tired of your snoring and worried about your health, please come and visit us at any of the following locations:

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Are Your Teeth In You Wallet?

Many of you may not remember about the incident that happened to a Wal-Mart’s costumer in March of 2009, when after buying a wallet he found ten teeth in one of the compartments of the wallet. He reported the case to the police and the police started investigating this unusual case.
After reading this story I was very amazed at the idea of “someone” placing teeth in a wallet. But then I started thinking of how many people have their teeth in their wallets rather than in their mouths. In other words, many people now spend thousands of dollars on dental treatments but not because of a necessary dental hygiene but rather because they have a severe infection cause by the careless attitude they had towards their teeth in the past.
How many people have their teeth in the wrong place?
As a dentist I see many patients who come to us worried because they have a growing pain that is almost unbearable. The pain that they are feeling is the cause from not taking care of their teeth. For patients like this, their teeth were not ever in their mind, and now that an infection is causing pain they have now remember about their teeth, and their teeth are now eating all the money in their wallet.
Here at 7 Day Dental we encourage people to take good care of their teeth now, and not pay thousands of dollars later. Come visit us any time of the year, since we are open 365 days of the year. For more information about 7 Day Dental and other articles “like” us on facebook on any of the following pages:

Friday, February 3, 2012

Free Extraction day 2012

Last year we treated 302 patients who could not afford a dental procedure, this year we are going to be there until we reach 100 patients, so place this day in your calendars and be one of the first patients to get free dental treatment. This year it would be on February 12,2012. Go to the following link for more info:

6 Things You Need To Know About Your Toothbrush

One of the useful tools that have to take care of your teeth is our toothbrush. Even though many of us don’t understand the importance of taking good care of our toothbrushes, it is important for me as a dentist to address this issue because I believe that people would understand the necessity of maintaining and protecting our toothbrushes in order to have healthy teeth. Here are some ways in which you can protect your mouth by taking good care of your toothbrush.
  1. Do not leave your toothbrush on the bathroom countertop.When the toilet is flushed airborne bacteria can travel up to six feet away landing on the countertop and on the toothbrush. Therefore toothbrushes should be stored in the medicine cabinet or in a drawer.
  2. Rinse the brush with clean tap water after using it and allow it to air dry and store it in the upright position.
  3. Do not place a cap on the toothbrush.Placing a cap on your toothbrush will enclose moisture and create greater amounts of bacteria which harvest microorganisms.
  4. Do not share your toothbrush.Sharing your toothbrush or accidentally using someone else’s toothbrush is the worst way to maintain good oral hygiene. A significant amount of germs get swapped when this occurs and can also happen if more than one toothbrush is stored in the same area.
  5. Replace your toothbrush on a regular basis.The ADA recommends replacing it every 3 to 4 months but should always be replaced once the bristles become frayed or worn even if it is sooner than this time frame.Children’s toothbrushes should be replaced more frequently since children are not aware of sanitary concerns. Everyone’s toothbrush must be replaced after having an episode of the flu or a cold. Not replacing the toothbrush leads to re-infection since the microbes remain present.
  6. Don’t forget to brush twice a day and floss at least once a day to maintain a clean mouth.
We hope you find this information helpful and that you improve your oral-health by following all the suggestions. If you would like to be part of our active weekly followers, we invite you to click on any of the following links and “LIKE” our page.